Surveys show that over three-quarters of the population pray at some point in their lives..We would love to have the opportunity to pray for you. You will see on the page entitled Healing Prayer that at All Saints we like to copy the Jesus method and when people request help to actually pray for them with the person present. But we know from experience that many people simply want to know that they will be prayed for, or a friend or relative prayed for.
So, the process is simple. If you would like to email us at the email address at the foot of this article we will then pray for you in a Sunday service, and if you so request it, we can back that prayer up with a pastoral visit.
Alternatively, you can come along to church, fill in one of the prayer request cards, and put it in the box on the Entrance Porch. Or you can come along to a 10.30 am service on a Sunday where anointing with oil is often offered at some point in the service.
Whatever choice you make be assured we have your best pastoral interests at heart.
Contact Revd Tudor Roberts