At All Saints Church we offer prayer ministry each Sunday. This is usually available in the sanctuary area (near the Holy Table) at the end of each 10.30am service. At the Holy Communion services prayer ministry is also available when you collect the bread and wine. A couple of people will pray with you about anything that is on your heart or mind. Your prayer requests will be confidential and we ask the rest of the congregation to respect this; simply praying for God’s blessing on anyone who you might see going forward for prayer.
Please feel free to ask for prayer for:
- Friends and family who are in need
- Your own physical, emotional, financial or social needs
- If you want to respond to something in the service
- If you simply want to feel closer to God
We are aware that it is sometimes difficult to walk to the front of church to ask for prayer but we believe that simply by stepping forward God honours our faith. Please continue to pray for one another in the pews, at home or at the front of church.
A group will be meeting before the service to listen and pray. Any words, scripture verses or pictures that we believe to be relevant will be read out during the service and if you feel they may be relevant to you we would like to encourage you to ask someone to pray with and for you either at the front of church or privately after the service.
To contact us