Be Family, Make Disciples, Serve others ... These are the areas we believe its right to have as our focus.
Our Core Values:
We seek to worship the Lord our God. We express our worship through all that we do and all that we are; giving ourselves, our love, our time, our money and our gifts.
Teaching and learning
We seek to encourage one another in developing our faith.
A life of prayer which encompasses listening to God, praying faithfully for one another, the local community and for the needs of the world.
The Bible
We believe in the authority of the Bible as the word of God. We seek to know, share and apply its message.
We seek to share our faith with others.
Welcoming all, we seek to love, serve and care for everyone and to be a community of wholeness.
Each member is unique and has different gifts and skills; we seek to support one another to develop these skills.
We value a multitude of traditions and styles of worship. We also value our historical roots and what God will do amongst us in the future.
All Saints Church aims to make known and share the love of God within our communities
"Be Family, Make Disciples, Serve Others" means that we seek ......
1. To be an integrated church family united through our faith in Jesus.
2. To encourage people into discipleship by demonstrating our relationship with Jesus.
3. To express our love for God in the service of other.
Living our mission is something we want everyone in our church to be a part of and we’d like your ideas on how we can most effectively achieve the 3 objectives above.
We want to assess how close to these objectives we are now so we can check back later to see if we’ve been effective in improving in these areas. Meanwhile the Bible verses that are the very basis of what we have come up with are on a seperate page. Please take a look.