Intercessions for 16th August 2020

Intercessions 16th August 2020


‘May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us – so that Your ways Lord may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations’


Heavenly Father, we thank You for our salvation, that as Peter says, ‘according to Your great mercy, You have caused us to be born again to a living hope, … and to an inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade…’

May we take this message of grace, mercy and hope to the many people who are struggling at this time of uncertainty and fear.


Father of compassion,

Be with those who live alone, for whom the days are long and empty.

Grant peace and healing, to those who are suffering increased anguish in their mental illness.

Support all who are experiencing job losses, and are deeply concerned how they will provide for their families.

Protect children where extra stress in the family is placing them at risk of abuse.

Soothe the fears of children who will return to school, to a completely different environment, to new class teachers and friends.

Help those whose diagnosis and treatment of cancer or heart disease; or whose operations have been delayed, to find peace.

Encourage and refresh all who are serving as carers with the present challenges in residential homes.

Give food to the hungry through Swindon Food Collective, and Food banks around the country.

Provide help, support and rehabilitation to all who are suffering from addictions, drug or alcohol abuse, those involved with criminal gangs, and those in prison.

Thank You that Your grace is for each and everyone one of them and us, with our sin sick souls.


May Your ways be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.


Gracious Father, we pray for our broken world. We stand in awe at the faithfulness of our persecuted brothers and sisters in these desperate times, who would rather starve, than deny Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We pray that You, who fed Your people with manna in the wilderness, will supply all the needs of Your dear children around the world, in miraculous ways, and through the ministry of Open Doors, Barnabas Fund, and others. May Your provision amaze their persecutors, and cause them to turn to You.

We ask that you send aid to help rebuild Beirut after the devastating explosion, comfort the bereaved, and heal the wounded. Bless the work of Sat 7 as they minister there.

We pray for our mission partners, for the ministry of The Sibthorpe family serving with MAF. For Daniel, Sarah and family, serving in Brazil, which has been so badly affected by Covid-19. Keep them safe and draw many to Jesus through their ministry.


May Your ways be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.


Righteous Father, we pray for our nation. We ask Lord for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon our churches. As Evan Roberts prayed in the Welsh Revival, bend us Lord, in true repentance, that we may reflect the radical love and grace of Jesus. Encourage all church leaders, be their ever present help throughout these times of change.

Refresh the Queen and Prince Philip as they spend time at Balmoral. May her faith and grace be a witness to her family, and our country.

We pray for our government and ask You to lead them in righteousness and great wisdom. May our laws, government decisions and guidance be based on Your word of truth and grace, that they will govern with integrity, justice and correct ethical decisions.


May Your ways be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.


Healing God, who responded to the faith of the Canaanite woman and healed her daughter, we bring to You those known to us personally who are sick, and all those in our church family (Michael, Richard, Grace and others), who are suffering. You see their pain and feel their anguish, pour Your Holy Spirit upon them wherever they are, and overwhelm them with Your healing grace, in body, mind and spirit.

We pray for our church which You love.  Bless and protect Tudor and Tricia, who serve us faithfully week by week. Refresh and renew them as they rest in You.

Equip our church in every way, helping all who serve, and may Your will and purpose be fulfilled.

And wherever we are, in our church, families, work or neighbourhoods, we pray


Lord make us instruments of Your peace.

Where there is hatred may we bring love.

Where there is offence, may we bring pardon.

Where there is discord, may we bring union,

Where there is error, may we bring truth.

Where there is doubt, may we bring faith,

Where there is despair, may we bring hope,

Where there is darkness, may we bring Your light.

Where there is sadness, may we bring joy.


May Your ways and Your grace be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.








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