Intercessions 19th April 2020.
Heavenly Father, in Christ alone our hope is found, He is our light, our strength, our song. We thank You, that in Him, whatever fierce storm we face, our fears are stilled. Jesus is the One who walks through closed doors, locked down homes and declares, ‘Peace be with you’. Keep us strong in faith, that through Your Holy Spirit, we may be worthy ambassadors of the Kingdom, persistent in prayer, speaking freedom in Christ, and loving those who are in need.
May the wounded hands of the Risen Christ strengthen our faith.
Gracious Father, equip church leaders as they organise care for their congregations, facilitate online worship, shepherd their flocks through unprecedented times, and reach out to the lost. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon them, and Your church across our nation. May we be faithful servants of the Good News of Your love, and true witnesses of Your saving grace, and compassion for a broken world.
May the wounded hands of the Risen Christ bring salvation.
God of all Comfort, we pray for those who are grieving, reeling from the sudden loss of loved ones, and unable to say ‘goodbye’. Soothe their anguished hearts, and may God’s loving arms enfold them. Have mercy upon all who are isolated, vulnerable, or mentally ill, – the frail, the homeless and the abused. May they know Your presence in their loneliness, Your peace in their turmoil, and Your patience in their waiting. Be their ever present help and refuge, in these times of trouble.
May the wounded hands of the Risen Christ grant them comfort.
Healing Father, we pray for the sick, those suffering from Covid-19, and others with terminal or painful diseases, across the world, and in our own community. You are Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Pour out Your Spirit upon each person who is suffering. You know them by name and You care for each one. Make them whole in body, mind and spirit. Speak peace to their anguished families, for ‘Your light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’.
May the wounded hands of the Risen Christ bring healing.
Powerful Father, we pray for all medical professionals dealing with the intense pressures of this crisis. Grant them resilience in weariness, discernment in diagnosis, and compassion upon compassion as they care. We pray for Your protection, strength and courage for those faithfully working in care homes and prisons, and for all keyworkers, serving us sacrificially in many hidden ways. Give clarity, and an unexpected breakthrough to researchers seeking a vaccine, and also easier ways of testing. Thank you for the tireless work of all these people, and bless them.
May the wounded hands of the Risen Christ offer renewed hope.
Father of wisdom, we pray for our government at this difficult time. Bring healing and strength to Boris Johnson. Grant Your wisdom, integrity, and unity to all our ministers, and lead and guide them in all the difficult decisions they have to make. We pray for all across our nation and world, who fear the economic impact on their lives, who may lose jobs and homes. We pray for Your provision to all who are in great poverty and hardship.
May El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty, who loves us, protect us.
May Jesus Christ, His Son, who died for us, save and heal us,
May the Holy Spirit who broods over the chaos, fill us with His presence, and hope.
In Christ alone, our hope is found.