Intercessions for Sunday 24th May

Intercessions for Sunday  24th May


Dear Father in Heaven, how good it is to come into your presence...

We thank you today for the body of Christ, spread throughout the world.  

At this time in history we are more joined together in this fellowship of suffering than ever.


We pray today for your people in East Africa who have been plagued by hordes of locusts, wiping out their crops. Now they have this pandemic to deal with. 

Lord, in your world so many are suffering, and yet as followers of Christ we can know that deep down joy in you, our rock and our redeemer.

We pray for our prayer partners in Brazil, and northern Australia. We remember too other Christian agencies, Tear fund, Barnabus Fund, Sat 7 and others know to those listening to this service.


We pray for those in our local communities who are mourning the loss of loved ones.

We pray for those in our local communities who live alone and not able to get out or see their families. We pray for those who are unwell.

We pray for those who don’t know if their businesses will survive this traumatic time. 

For those who don't know whether they will have a job to return to.

For families who are feeling great tensions at this time. 

We pray for young people who fear for their future and the rise in mental health issues.

For children and their parents who don’t understand why they can’t go to school.


We pray for many suffering life changing circumstances, separation and divorce. 

Lord, we pray for those known to us who don’t know you.

Those who cannot know the security of your love, joy and peace.

Father, we bring to you our Queen, who has had to make decisions in her own family.

For our Government, relying on their advisors and making decisions. 

We thank you for our church leaders Tudor, Tricia and the PCC as they will be meeting on 1st June.


Dear Lord we also have much to thank you for.

For great weather, undisturbed wildlife and beautiful birdsong. We thank you for the amazing world that you have created. 

Like so many others, we are so grateful for the skill of medical staff, porters, cleaners, radiographers, admin staff, in our hospitals and care homes.

For others in food and pharmaceutical industries.

Let us pause for a moment to remember all we have received from the hands of these workers.

We thank you Lord for the way that technology has been such a blessing to so many in these last few weeks especially. 


May we finish this time of prayer with the blessing from Numbers ch 6.v24.


The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


In Jesus name we pray


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